Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First few days in India...

Above are the core values of SVYM, the organization that runs the hospital where I will be working. You can check them out at www.SVYM.net.
This is the Mysore Palace...absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, you aren't allowed to take pictures from the inside, which is also breath-taking.

Well, so far my time here has been great...and unexpected. I arrived safely in Delhi, only to find that my luggage had not. No bother, I thought, I'll continue on to Bangalore and it'll get there eventually. Which it did...a day after I did. The trouble is, however, that I am no longer in Bangalore. I have moved onto Mysore, which is about 3.5 hours southwest of Bangalore by car. American Airlines kindly agreed to transfer it onto the daily flight from Bangalore to Mysore...though didn't inform their colleagues in Bangalore to actually make the transfer. Long story short, luggage supposedly is arriving today - which will allow me to finally get to Sargur and start working!

I have been making good use of my time while being here, taking in the local culture and sights. Yesterday I visited the beautiful Mysore palace (see pics below), which is quite grand and beautiful. The weather is hot and beautiful, which is a welcome change from the deep winter I left behind in MN. Daily personal yoga sessions have felt quite right here, and the food provided at the hostel where I am staying is delicious (particularly their form of coffee...heavily sugared and milked...yum! more like a dessert than a drink, but I'm definitely not complaining).

More to come as my location (hopefully) changes and my medical adventures develop!

1 comment:

  1. 'My sore' seems like the perfect place for a visiting doctor. May you find it a healing experience!
